Search Results
Challenges and prospects for the control of insecticide resistant mosquitoes of public health
Impact of insecticide resistance on malaria control tools and transmission
“Bridging Science and Public Health Policy to Control Urban Mosquito-Borne Diseases”
ISNTD Bites 2020 Insecticide resistance challenges solutions
Challenges Going Forward: Highlight from Thwarting Killer Mosquitoes
Genetics of insecticide resistance: target-site modifications by S Kasai_WIN workshop Rio
Mosquitoes and Ticks of Public Health Concern
Dr. Fauci's Malaria Research State of the Science address
Insecticide resistance monitoring and management
"Malaria Today: Challenges and Opportunities" Robert D. Newman, MD, MPH April 17, 2013
Webinar: Keys to Effective Mosquito Control this Summer
Climate and Sustainability: the Challenge for Mosquito Disease Control